Saturday, August 1, 2015

Reading too Much

I have an inquiring mind and have been reading up on Gastric Sleeve.  Most of the things I have read are so encouraging.  People seem to be very honest and tell you the good and bad.  Some people though are very angry and regret having had the surgery.  I have had my doubts, but each day I feel more excited about the prospect of going through with this.  
I have had 20 surgeries in my lifetime.  I think that is probably more than my share, so I'm not afraid of the surgery itself.  I just want to live through it.  And from what I can tell, most everyone does.  I have to have a hiatal hernia repair along with the gastric sleeve.  
I know for sure that I will be going to Mexico.  I know for sure that my brother will go with me. I know for sure that I have the financing because I secured a loan and the money is in the bank. I don't know for sure where I am going though.  The place that I have been working with hasn't answered me in a few days with additional questions.  That makes me nervous.  So I have inquired at a couple of other places.  We shall see.  I will most likely be having surgery on September 11th, 2015.   
As far as before photos, I am forcing myself to take some because I know I will want photos to compare the before and after.
My daughters are not happy.  They think this is dumb.  Of course they do.  They are afraid that their mommy will change and become a different person.  I will change.  I know that for sure.  But I'll be a healthier, happier me who is a lot more fun and has more energy and stamina to do with them all the things we want to do. 
So, that's it.  I'll let you know when the big day is.